The Great Park, has a extremely large orange ballon that is Tether and you can ride up 400 feet... Very Cool. The Hangar 244 was the first building I saw and liked the windows and large doors.I did my last wedding in the bloon, that is how I found the Big Orange Ballon.
Abandon Warehouse Long Beach
Walking around Monterey looking for interesting windows.
The interesting things you see out the back window
Salton Sea, a place of what has been....
Two twin doors to no where...
This architect knows where his office is.
Just "NO" and don't do it around here...
Exploring around Arizona, I came across Fairchild, nothing left but an old building that was a bank. I assume that this door was the back door to the bank.
Abondened Service Station somewhere beteew Monetta and Aiken S.C. on SC Hwy 1. Some times when out aimlessly driving around for subjects to photograph, missed calculation on exactly where you are can be somewhat lost
Flooding casue the residents to leave their happy home around the Salton Sea, salt had build up around their houses. As they left, everthing.
Close up of the salt that Surrounded this house.
Looking out one window into two other windows, off a stair case at a hotel we stated at in San Francisco.
The way the light and shadows fell on this old building... just had to have it.
As I walked around Savannah, this window and what was in it, caught my eye. She never moved.... ah she was a mannequin...upond seeing her the first time, one would think that she was real.. wishful thinking on my part.
Bodie is a gold-mining ghost town. Bodie is located in the Basin Range of the Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains. So many things to photograph here and Especially if you want images of an "Old Ghost Town".
Its just how you look at things....
Mural painted on this building to look like it had doors and windows.....
Mural painted on abandoned builings Pendleton Street and Lois Ave West Greenville that was in 2015 .